Last year, we introduced ‘The Voicebox’ to PI LIVE Europe – an area dedicated to candid discussions about the people who make up this vibrant industry. 

Yes, we love to dive into numbers and strategies and innovative technologies – knowledge that you can equip like a suit of armour, fortifying your professional game. 

But, it is just as important to talk about the people beneath the armour, behind the results and the growth and the wins and success. Real human beings are the ones driving this.

That’s what the Voicebox is for. It is a relaxed area where we have discussions, ask questions, and learn more about the diverse communities that make up performance & affiliate marketing.

It proved to be a very popular addition to 2023’s show, which is why we’re bringing it back even bigger and better this year. 

Alongside a fantastic range of speakers and hosts, which you can browse below, we’re expanding the Voicebox this year to include a series of ‘Open Mic’ sessions.

These sessions will allow delegates to step up and share their thoughts, opinions, and even frustrations on anything related to the industry or workplace.

We want to catalyse productive conversations that move things forward and change the game. We encourage you to air your frustrations or shout about positives you want people to know about. 

The stage is yours.

Let’s take a look at what’s in store at this year’s PI LIVE Europe Voicebox. 

Day One

9.30 - 10.15: Open Mic Session #1

A chance to voice your opinions, share industry challenges, and ignite conversations. 

This space encourages candid discussions, allowing participants to address pressing issues, exchange ideas, and engage with peers in an open, dynamic environment. A unique opportunity to drive meaningful dialogue within the industry.

10.30 - 11.15: Open Mic Session #2

Part two of our zesty Open Mic sessions. More game-changing conversations and burning opinions.

11.30 - 12.15: Sustainability and E-Commerce - Mind the Gap! with questionZERO

With over 60% of emissions tied to household consumption, integrating sustainability into e-commerce is vital yet challenging. Higher costs, complex supply chains, and regulatory misalignment hinder progress. 

Tanya Larsen, CEO of questionZERO, will explore how transparency, innovation, and collaboration can drive sustainable success in e-commerce.

14.00 - 14.45: The Paula Oyinkan Show

Podcaster and affiliate expert Paula Oyinkan will be leading conversations with inspiring female leaders about their experiences of being women in leadership. We’ll get into how these women got to where they are today, what challenges they’ve faced along the way and personal stories of how they’ve navigated and overcome these challenges. 

15.00 - 15.45: Open Mic Session #3

Part three of our Open Mic sessions will feature more bold takes, juicy debates, and unfiltered feedback. We encourage you to speak your mind positively too. Who’s someone you’d like to give a shout-out to?

16.00 - 16.45: Open Mic Session #4

The final act of our Open Mic series. The grand finale will bring the day’s excitement and intensity to a head. We’ll reflect on the conversations and what this means heading forward.

Day Two

9.30 - 12.30: The Digital Voice™ Voicebox presents: Life-work-balance - in that order

Julia Linehan and The Digital Voice team will be leading a series of unfiltered conversations about wellness in the workplace, avoiding burnout, looking after your mental health, healing toxic work environments, and more.

14.00 - 16.00: Women in E-commerce Takeover

Hannah Hooton, Co-founder of Women in Ecommerce UK, will set the stage for candid and honest discussions about women’s issues and experiences in the workplace.

We hope to see you there! You can view the full agenda for PI LIVE here.

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