Picture this: You’re a creator and you have just created a piece of content you’re really proud of. Maybe you tried a new editing style that fits your content perfectly, or you’ve covered a topic you are passionate about. You hit ‘post’ and wait for the engagement to roll in… but it doesn’t. Maybe you don’t need to picture it at all, if you’re a creator, you have likely experienced this before. Unfortunately, it can be part of the job, not everything is going to perform as well as you would like. But if this scenario is happening increasingly often, you might be searching for ways to boost your visibility and engagement.

While there's no surefire formula for success - if there were, we’d all be thriving creators - there are strategies you can implement to improve your content's performance.

If you create and upload content to Instagram, you’ll want to be aware that the social media platform just updated its best practices guidelines. So we’ve looked through them and compiled some of the key points to help you continue growing your content.

Keep reading to find out more. 

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