Creator marketing is one of the most exciting and dynamic industries to be working in right now. It's innovative, fresh, and growing, and the potential seems endless. However, for creators, exposure comes with a caveat. 

While the job role brings a host of benefits, such as working on your own terms and exercising your passion, there are equally some challenges, including negative comments, burnout, and blurred boundaries between personal and professional life.

For example, in 2023, 43% of creators suffered from burnout on a monthly or quarterly basis, with 29% struggling daily or weekly, according to a survey by Later. The leading cause of burnout was negative comments and nearly four in 10 (39%) creators felt pressure to grow their following.

Has the situation improved, or become worse? We still don’t fully understand the impact of being a creator on mental health and wellbeing. More data is needed.

That’s why we want to hear creators’ opinions on how they experience these challenges and what support is out there for the industry.

This is a topic we feel is of the highest importance. Alongside a comprehensive report, we plan to continue this conversation at CreatorFest this year, where we’ll be hosting Voicebox sessions on creator wellbeing and more.

To help us build this report and provide research for our follow-up sessions at CreatorFest in October, please fill out the survey below and share it with your peers.

Your submission will be completely anonymous. We appreciate you taking the time to fill out the survey.

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