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Unlocking True Partner Potential Through a Transformative Programme Relaunch

In 2022, IG Group faced a pivotal challenge: its affiliate partnership platform didn't align with its high-growth goals. To overcome this hurdle, it embarked on a transformative journey, partnering with Silverbean and to relaunch its affiliate programme. The solution was twofold: adopting's innovative platform and leveraging Silverbean's expertise.

Much of this relaunch’s success comes down to its meticulous planning. Through immersive workshops in London and Frankfurt, IG Group, Silverbean, and crafted a cohesive strategy. Clear goals were established, ensuring everyone was aligned toward success.

The collaboration not only streamlined internal processes but also empowered affiliates. Post-launch, the results were remarkable, surpassing predetermined objectives.

This launch exemplifies the synergy between a brand, network, and agency, unlocking IG Group's true partner potential and inspiring our judges.

Judges Comments

“Silverbean excelled with diverse tools, multi-channels, and precise migration, yielding exceptional results and showcasing their digital expertise.”

Deep Dive / Q&A

Hello Partner: How does it feel to win this award tonight?
Lucy Williams, Silverbean:
Really great. We've worked together now for nearly a year and a half. It's great to see the journey and what we've done culminating in this award.

HP: You're both clearly strong collaborators. Do you have any advice for effective collaboration in the industry?
Alex Ratford, IG:
Setting clear expectations of what you want and what you need. From that side, your agency can then meet those expectations, or in this case, exceed them.

The Global Performance Marketing Awards 2023 was held in association with ad4mat

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