Veronica Chang is a content economist with experience in multiple industries such as fashion retail, luxury, and digital marketing agencies. She founded FavourUp in 2017, building technology to facilitate the industry to reallocate resources with content. By driving the market demand with content towards the social problem, it can be solved more effectively.Her role at FavourUp is to continuously communicate with enterprises through their innovation programmes, and provide sustainable solutions without compromising their commercial targets. She has led partnerships with leading fashion and travel networks to achieve the same goal. She also initiated the Influence for Good™ community, consisting of over 400 positive-lifestyle influencers.


My internal clock has me up early and ready to take on the day without an alarm clock. Once I’m up, I typically read the latest news from Business Insider and Tech insider to ensure that I put myself in the best mindset. To avoid procrastination of traffic, I usually just go straight to work. Some days, 8am to 10.30am consists of attending networking breakfast events to connect with other industry leaders. Other mornings, like today, I go straight to the office.


Our office is based in central London. Once in the office, I like to make tea first and have a quick morning chat with people in our co-working space. Afterwards, I go over my agenda for the day, which is very informative and sets me up for my day ahead. I prioritise clients’ requests and build my schedule around that.

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‘9.15am Stand-up Meeting’ is a daily routine for all members of our company to meet every day for a quick status update. Everyone in the company takes two mins to talk about their accomplishments, goals, and obstacles. It helps everyone in the company not only share their understanding of goals and coordinate efforts but also support colleagues when someone encounters a problem or discovers a better way of making improvements.


According to the sales team’s briefings from various brand clients, I spend time communicating with our tech lead to ensure that I’m in the loop and get on the product roadmap, and have everything that is needed for the sales team in regards to new products and services from a CMO perspective. In particular, I make sure that our marketing execution supports our sales team to gain enough market awareness, which ultimately boosts lead generation. 


I coordinate with the relevant teams as I perform a lot of different functions as an executive of the company. Aside from the weekly-basis management type of meetings, I also work on a specific project or have conference calls for a partnership request.

Take today as an example, our CEO, Andre, comes to me and we discuss one of the L Marks’ corporate innovation programmes, which we may potentially get involved in. We always collect continuous feedback from our counterparts and I will then iterate our proposals according to it. The same applies this time.


I like to grab lunch with my colleagues or make my rounds to different departments at the end of lunch because it gives me the opportunity to catch up with colleagues no matter if they are supervised by me. This usually helps me to know the best way to communicate with people across departments and show team members that we are in the same boat no matter which department we are in.
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I reach out to potential clients and partners on LinkedIn to schedule calls and meetings over next week. I approach potential clients to try and understand their business challenges and whether we’d be able to help. In most cases, I would dig into how they are utilising advocacy in their marketing strategies. If there is a mutual interest, I prefer to meet over coffee as I believe meeting in person shortens the time to build the relationship.On the front of potential partners, I often go through Linkedin’s suggested profiles and a lot of times I find interesting companies that we might be able to collaborate with. I then reach out to bounce some initial ideas off the counterpart for potential collaborations. We always try our best to widen our partnership opportunities and build FavourUp’s network.


I have a phone meeting with Lauren, the head of partnership at Common Objective (CO), our networking partner which combines sustainability with commercial success in the fashion supply chain. As FavourUp’s Influence for Good™ (a sustainable-lifestyle influencer community) boosts the positive impact across industries that aims the same track with CO, we have a discussion on a collaboration, which is a co-hosted event. 

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Towards the end of the workday, usually after three o’clock on Friday, I participate in “beer o’clock”. It’s important to us as founders to get the chance to listen to our colleagues’ stories of the week. Our colleagues get creative and talk more when they feel completely relaxed after drinks.


If there are events coming up, for example, keynote or masterclass-style public speaking engagements on influencer marketing or the tech industry, I prep for that. I take it as an important opportunity to help spread the word about what we’ve been building here at FavourUp.

In my switch-off hour, I go to the gym downstairs at my co-working office. I will do a treadmill first whilst watching YouTube videos. I’ll also scroll through social media between sprint sets, which helps me to cool down and keep updated on the latest news my friends and the public are talking about.


: After a good workout, I always feel my mind is in sharper focus and more energised. I quickly catch up on conversations I missed during the day via phone texts, emails, and LinkedIn. I also keep updated with the latest posts on a marketing and sales growth hacking community and learn from those successful marketers who have incredibly disruptive hand-on experiences on savvy use of digital channels that I can bear in mind. 

After leaving the office, my way home is mostly made up of brainstorming alongside my co-founder, Andre. We come up with creative ideas within the marketing-tech industry. We find it’s one of the best ways to innovate and drive the company’s success in the future.

Wind down:

As the evening winds down, I typically cook dinner and unplug from technology. I love to read the latest books and I find that it’s important to continue to develop a competitive edge in a global mindset in addition to working on my personal development.
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