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Brainlabs’ tech combatted paid search inflation for Estée Lauder Companies UK&I

Facing escalating media costs, aggressive retail discounts, and heightened competition, Estée Lauder Companies (ELC) UK & Ireland sought innovative solutions to optimise their advertising spend.

Brainlabs answered the call with a pioneering AI tool that monitors SERPs in real-time, adjusting ELC UK&I's ad campaigns to counter competitor promotions effectively.

This dynamic approach ensured optimal placement and message alignment, minimising wastage and maximising ROI. The initiative not only achieved a remarkable 5% saving but also empowered ELC UK&I to reinvest in upper-funnel activities, fuelling consumer demand.

By combining cutting-edge technology with strategic insights, Brainlabs enabled ELC UK&I to maintain competitiveness in a challenging landscape. Their success in this category underscores the transformative impact of their partnership, setting a new standard for performance marketing excellence.

Judges Comments

“Really clear approach, creative way of testing custom bidding, and starting off with the right tagging setup. Very smart execution.”

Deep Dive / Q&A

The Performance Marketing Awards 2024 was held in association with WeShop

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