The Global Influencer Marketing Awards are centred around celebrating effective, inclusive and creative influencer marketing campaigns that authentically connect brands with consumers. But to find the deserving winners, reliable, knowledgeable, and experienced judges are needed at the table.

Danielle Goodall, Social Advocacy, Partnerships & Events Lead UK for Volvo Cars, caught up with Hello Partner to share her experience of judging the IMAs last year, her thoughts on the current industry trends, and her best tips for submitting an award-winning entry.

How was your experience judging the IMAs last year? Take me through that experience, let's go back to that day.

My experience of judging the IMAs in 2022 was fantastic. First of all, I was really stuck with the quality and the depth and breadth and variety of entries that have been submitted. They put so much time and effort into producing their entries. I can't remember how many entries I had to judge, there was a huge amount of information that we had to go through, including demos, but it was really fantastic to see the effort that everybody had put in.

The combined years of experience, talent, and knowledge of my fellow judges and the quality of the judging panel was impressive. I think Hello Partner did a fantastic job pulling together such a great group of people to judge the awards and do it justice. I was very honoured to have been asked.

What are the most interesting influencer or creator marketing trends that you have seen over the last 12 months? What’s changed since you judged the IMAs last year?

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