What the Word “Influencer” Means Today
In an age where anyone can call themselves an “influencer”, the marketing industry is, understandably, in a state of flux. As the volume of content creators has spiraled and the industry has evolved at pace, a ton of methodologies have circulated on the most effective way to select and partner with creators to reach and interact with audiences online. Whilst this has been in an effort to gain control over what is, in my opinion, the most innovative and exciting industry in a generation, it’s only muddied the waters even more. The industry needs clarity; in an effort to do that, it’s important to take a step back. About a decade ago, a generation of talent organically found their voice and a loyal audience on digital platforms – YouTube, in the main – dramatically changing the media landscape. Whilst their followings were impressive, it wasn’t the numbers that struck me, it was the passion, knowledge, creativity, and relatability that they were bringing to their audience; an audience they had an incredibly strong relationship with.