Happy Wednesday! Anyone else noticed a revival of late 00's/early 10's blogosphere aesthetics and sub-cultures lately?

Whether it's the indie sleaze boom or even the return of flip phones, we're seeing a lot of contemporary culture harkening back to that era.

At that time, a big vehicle for transporting these ideas, aesthetics, and generational philosophies was the humble blog. You know what else is a big part of blogging? You guessed it, affiliate links.

So, will affiliate marketing ride this wave? Will every trendy Gen Z hipster suddenly be diving into the affiliate space? Let's see, but I think there's potential.

Anyway, on with the news.

PI LIVE Agenda is here!

Our PI LIVE Europe agenda is live and ready for your perusal.

The winds of change are howling throughout performance and affiliate marketing. We haven't seen (r)evolution like this in over a decade.

This year, we're voyaging out to the absolute bleeding edge to bring you tactile, innovative insights that you can implement into your everyday strategies.

Stay ahead of the curve. Check out what we have in store for you here – it's going to be a great show.

In today's newsletter:

  • Pick of the day: Part two of our Reddit series. Google wants to penalise affiliates? Well, we have a Trojan Horse!
  • Trending: Retail media is doubling in size, showing no signs of slowing down; and search traffic is plummeting for publishers.
  • Top tip of the Week: Commerce content 'three-click' strategy 💡

Pick of the day

How Affiliates are Trojan Horse-ing Google Search with Reddit

Part Two of our Reddit series. Here, we show you how to build Reddit into your SEO strategy to claw back traffic lost to algorithm chaos.

You can get back into the top spot of Google.

We have a Trojan Horse. We have Reddit.

Follow In the Footsteps of Influencer Giants
What does it take to be a winner at our awards shows?

You can find out by heading over to our Awards Showcase.

We have posted multiple waves of winners' articles, delving into the glowing strategies, executions, and creative ideas that dazzled our judges for this year's Global Influencer Marketing Awards.

Yes, this is an affiliate & performance marketing newsletter – but that doesn't mean you can't learn a few new tricks from our influencer friends.

Some of you may even be looking to break into the space. Well, what better way to do that than by learning from the best? Empower yourself with the knowledge of champions and follow in the footsteps of giants. Check out the winners' articles here.

What's hot on Hello Partner right now

Stay Ahead of the Curve: PI LIVE Europe Agenda is Now Live
Learn more about this year's cutting-edge content.

Search Traffic Drops 10%: Publishers Forced to Rethink Their Strategies
While Search traffic declines, Google Discover traffic is on the rise for publishers. How should affiliates react?

Retail Media’s $293B Surge: What This Means for Partnership Marketing
New research predicts that retail media will double in size by 2029. This area absolutely appears to be the ‘next big thing’ and there’s plenty of room for affiliate and performance marketers to join the party.

Tip of the Week

Stay at the top of your game

Hey, publishers.

Ex-Rolling Stone and Billboard exec, Tim Chan, shared some astute advice to LinkedIn this week. He explained that to ensure his articles are effective, he always employs a 'three-click strategy.'

In his words:

1) Click In: What's a catchy headline or angle I can use to get people to click into my article?

2) Click On: Is my CTA compelling enough to get people to click on an affiliate link?

3) Click Through: Once they're on the vendor's site, are people actually purchasing the products I'm recommending? If not, how can I modify the above to generate a conversion?

It's simple, but deceptively so, as the best strategies usually are. While this might be a winning formula, make sure you stay creative to keep each stage as effective as possible.

It could even be applied to other affiliate models - be that coupons, or even closed-user group discounts. How are you framing the affiliate deals within your content? Is there an enticing synergy that builds towards that conversion?

Think of it like a puzzle. There's always the perfect combination of words and images to achieve your desired result.

Amusing Affiliates

Three content writers walk into a bar.

They don’t get a drink because they already have too many open tabs. 🍻


Job role: Associate Manager, Affiliates
Company: Gap Inc.
Location: San Francisco, California

Until next time,

Sol Wilkinson
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