Ever fantasised about trading your boring office cubicle for a beachside workspace or swapping your daily routine for an adventure in a foreign land? Working and living abroad might just be the ultimate life hack you never knew you needed. Imagine trading your local coffee shop for a charming Michelin Star Hawker food stand. How about swapping your rush-hour commute on the Central Line for a leisurely power walk in a country that has 365 days of sunshine? 

This adventure comes with a boost to your career, a fresh perspective on life, new friends with strange accents, exotic foods that may or may not agree with your stomach, and the bragging rights that come with being the worldly friend who casually drops phrases in five languages. This article will guide you through the hilarious highs and inevitable hiccups of becoming an international worker, proving that with a little humour and a lot of curiosity, the world truly is your oyster.


Eight years ago, I decided to trade in my rainy English routine and Central Line slog for the tropical hustle and bustle of Singapore. Selling everything I owned and squishing my life into a suitcase that looked more like an overstuffed burrito, I took the plunge and moved halfway across the globe.

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