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Awin: Choice, Control, and Customisation

In 2023, Awin underwent a significant transformation, prioritising choice and adaptability for its clientele. The introduction of three new platform plans - Access, Accelerate, and Advanced - in October, alongside a revamped pricing structure, marked a pivotal shift. By decoupling service from tracking technology, Awin empowered brands with unprecedented flexibility, tailoring solutions to individual business objectives.

Aligned with its mission to activate more partnerships, product development efforts focused on streamlining processes for influencers and publishers, reducing barriers to entry. Enhancements in commissioning and reporting furnished advertisers with invaluable tools for optimising relationships, leveraging strategic reward models and detailed analytics.

Central to Awin's evolution was the decoupling of service and technology, affording clients the freedom to select bespoke packages tailored to their unique requirements. From full-service options to SaaS-only models, this approach granted unparalleled flexibility, enabling businesses to adapt seamlessly to evolving needs and scale efficiently.

Judges Comments

“Awin's constant evolution to meet the needs of its clients demonstrates their determination to remain agile amongst competitors. Innovation is a key pillar that Awin is using to drive the industry forwards.”

Deep Dive / Q&A

The Affiliate Network or SaaS of the Year award was sponsored by TopCashback

The Performance Marketing Awards 2024 was held in association with WeShop

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