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EssenceMediacom combined the benefits of programmatic ad buying and human expertise to help Blinds 2go increase their new customer mix and deliver strong marketing efficiencies

In 2023, Blinds 2Go aimed for double-digit sales growth, entrusting EssenceMediacom with a £200k programmatic budget to achieve this. Their challenge? Incremental reach for new customers is daunting for a brand dominating 60% of the online window furnishings market.

Traditionally, Blinds 2Go leaned on Direct Response advertising, focusing on PPC, with sporadic DRTV and paid social support. Venturing into full-funnel programmatic was new territory, presenting limitations in creative assets and knowledge.

EssenceMediacom swiftly identified hurdles: a saturated market with limited brand recognition, exacerbated by economic uncertainties. The strategy demanded precision targeting, compelling creatives, and a tiered approach aligned with funnel stages.

The innovative blend of programmatic technology and human expertise proved pivotal. Leveraging predictive audiences and contextual targeting, they achieved a remarkable +998% surge in new site visitors, driving over 26,000 sales with an impressive £12.59 ROI.

Judges Comments

“Very punchy objectives - very good results. This was a tough challenge and EssenceMediacom tackled it with great expertise.”

The Performance Marketing Awards 2024 was held in association with WeShop

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