It’s time for a new Top 30 list!

We want you to submit your nominations for this year’s Top 30 US Partnership Marketing Change Makers.

Off the back of two fantastic events in the US, we’re keen to celebrate and honour the spectacular range of talent in this region.

This is going to be a difficult list to compile – there’s a mind-boggling amount of excellence in this area, and we could probably fill a hundred lists, but we will do our best to keep it trim.

We want to hear about the star player in your team, the peer who inspires you the most, the up-and-comer disrupting the space; anyone who is setting the pace and driving change in the partnership marketing industry in the US and North America.

Who can enter?

Nominees must be based in the US or North America, playing a vital role in the partnership marketing ecosystems of these areas.

In terms of the kind of work they do – we want to hear from the vast spectrum of what partnership marketing has to offer. This includes: influencer marketing, creator marketing, affiliate marketing, and performance marketing. 

They could be a publisher, advertiser, tech-provider, creator, or based in a network – any role, any demographic applies; as long as they’re based in the US or North America and are emblematic of innovation and success in the space.

We do not accept self-nominations and there is no fee for nominees to be considered.

Our list is meticulously curated through a combination of peer nominations and in-depth research by our dedicated team.

Our goal is to honor individuals across all levels of seniority, from diverse demographics, companies, and sectors. We are committed to fair representation within the industry, considering gender, experience, race, and age.

How to submit your nomination 

When nominating someone, please reflect on the following criteria:

What qualities make your nominee an invaluable member of their team and an outstanding professional?
How has your nominee demonstrated growth and career progression over the past year?
In what ways has your nominee gone above and beyond to enhance the industry within the last year?

Your thoughtful nominations will help us celebrate those who are truly making a difference. 

Thank you for your participation in highlighting the leaders and innovators in our field.

Nominations will close on Friday 21st June at 11:59 PM. 

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